Jack's list: Birding books for kids

  • Bird Songs by Les Beletsky

This book features 250 different bird songs and a whole full-color page for each bird. Age 5+

  • The Young Birder's Guide by Bill Thompson III

This book has 300 kinds of birds, a page for each of them plus amazing facts, pictures, and drawings. Age 7+

  • Field Guide to Birds by The National Audubon society

This book has a full-color index of birds and a detailed bio for every bird. Age 8+

  • What It's Like to Be a Bird by David Allen Sibley

This book is chock full of information about pretty much anything to do with birds. Age 9+

  • Hoot by Carl Hiaasen

This fictional book about burrowing owls and conservation is funny and imaginative. Age 7+

  • When I Was a Turkey by Brenda Guiberson

This nonfictional book follows the adventures and experiences of Joe Hutto, a scientist who raises and lives with wild turkeys. Age 7+

  • That Quail, Robert by Margaret A. Stanger

This book is about a quail who loses his family and is raised by humans. Age 7+

  • The Trumpet of the Swan by E. B. White

This fictional book is about a swan named Louis who has lost his voice and compensates with a stolen trumpet. Age 7+

Jack Schmidt started birding in 2015 when he went on a bird count for Ward 6. Since then, he has gone on many walks with DC Audubon. Jack lives on Capitol Hill and attends school at BASIS DC. In 2019, Jack became a volunteer trip leader for DC Audub…

Jack Schmidt started birding in 2015 when he went on a bird count for Ward 6. Since then, he has gone on many walks with DC Audubon. Jack lives on Capitol Hill and attends school at BASIS DC. In 2019, Jack became a volunteer trip leader for DC Audubon's monthly birding walks. Jack's favorite bird is the Red-winged Blackbird.